The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry 《牛津化学初级读本》丛书旨在论述有机化学中的重要问题。
Books and faculties range from learning languages to computer science, from organic chemistry to law. 书籍和学科涵盖了各种内容,包括学习语言、计算机科学、有机化学和法律等。
Preparation of1-bromo-butane experiments in organic chemistry are a representative experiment halohydrocarbon synthesis. 制备1-溴丁烷是有机化学实验中的一个具有代表性的卤代烃合成实验。
Additional special topics include illustrating the role of organic chemistry in biology, medicine, and industry. 特别补充了关于有机化学在生物,医药和工业方面的作用等话题。
The research and practice to improve the quality of organic chemistry teaching for young teachers 青年教师提高有机化学教学质量的研究与实践
Grignard reagents has a wide range of applications in organic chemistry. 格氏试剂在有机化学中的应用十分广泛。
Analysis of application of multimedia techiuques in organic chemistry teaching; 在高中化学教学中应用合作学习就是本论文研究的内容。
Michael reaction is a typical nucleophilic addition reaction, is always an organic chemistry domain research hot spot. 迈克尔反应是一个典型的亲核加成反应,一直是有机化学领域的一个研究热点。
This is another organic chemistry reagent, it's also used extensively in the pharmaceutical industry. 这也是一个有机化学试剂,而且还在制药业中广泛应用。
On Strengthening Development of Students 'Ability in Organic Chemistry Teaching 在有机化学教学中加强学生能力培养
Organic chemistry is closely relevant to "low carbon concept". 有机化学与“低碳理念”密切相关。
Application of tandem reactions in the design of organic chemistry experiment 串联反应在有机化学实验设计中的应用
It's been a while since organic chemistry. 这从有机化学诞生以来就经常用。
Thus arose the two great divisions of this science known as inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry. 于是,产生了这门科学的两大分支,即所谓的无机化学和有机化学。
After my return to Strasbourg, I began to work in the area of physical organic chemistry, where I could combine the knowledge acquired in organic chemistry, in quantum theory and on physical methods. 返回斯特拉斯堡之后,我开始了在物理有机化学领域的研究工作,这样我就可以把我在有机化学、量子理论和物理方法等方面获得的知识结合在一起。
The existence of organic chemistry is further justified by the importance of carbon compounds or mixtures in our lives. 有机化学的存在之所以必要,还因为碳的化合物和混合物在我们日常生活中非常重要。
Organic chemistry experiment is an important course in fundamental experiment. 有机化学实验是一门重要的基础实验课。
Organic Chemistry is a subject studying the structure and properties of organic compounds. 有机化学是一门研究有机化合物的结构与性质的学科。
The synthetic research of marine natural products is one of the most active fields of marine natural organic chemistry. 海洋天然产物合成研究是海洋天然有机化学最活跃的研究领域之一。
Bachelor degree or above, major in organic chemistry, chemosynthesis, Chemical Engineering, fine chemical, etc. 大学本科或以上学历;2。有机化学、化学合成、化学工程、精细化工等相关专业。
Study of Teaching Method of Aim Management in Organic Chemistry Experiment 有机化学实验目标管理教学法的研究
Study and practice on modular structure of teaching organic chemistry experiment 有机化学实验模块式教学结构的研究与实践
Chemistry in university is consist of Organic Chemistry, inorganic Chemistry and physical chemistry. 在大学中,化学分为有机,无机和物理化学三大类。
Bachelor degree or master degree in Polymer Science, Organic Chemistry or Chemical Engineering. 本科或硕士学历,聚合物、有机化学或化学工程专业;
Addition to carbonyls is one of the most important reactions in organic chemistry. 对羰基的加成作用是有机化学中最重要的反应之一。
It's very important to me, as well. I love organic chemistry. 对于我来说这也是非常重要的课,我喜欢有机化学。
The Utilization and Exploitation of Organic Chemistry Curriculum Resources in High School 高中有机化学课程资源的利用和开发
Already I have reviewed General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Quantitative Chemistry Analysis. 我已经复习了普通化学,有机化学和食品化学。
This thesis inquires into superiority and weakness of multimedia teaching and traditional teaching in organic chemistry education. 探讨了有机化学多媒体教学的优势与不足和传统教学的特点与不足。
The organic chemistry of compounds and processes occuring in organisms. 生物体中的化合物和相互作用的有机化学。
the chemistry of compounds containing carbon (originally defined as the chemistry of substances produced by living organisms but now extended to substances synthesized artificially)